Emily Hopkins

Magical Mundane

We are such creatures of habit.


I have some really good habits that I’m proud of, like washing my hair every couple of days and occasionally putting away the laundry that I folded four days prior. But, I also have some bad habits. Such as eating my weight in french fries and not stopping after two glasses of wine and instead drinking the whole bottle..alone.


It’s funny how hard it is to create those good habits.  Those habits that are authentic, kind, and useful.  Those habits that make you feel good.  Like you’re killing it in this whole human/mommin’ thing. Guys, for two years now I have been telling myself that I am going to make a habit of getting up an hour earlier to have some alone time with my Jesus; to start the day conversing with my bestie, in the quiet, dimly lit nook in my kitchen.  You know how many times I’ve actually done it? 1.5 times. Yep. One and a half times. One time I actually did get up.  I tiptoed to the kitchen, grabbed a blanket and my devotional and snuggled up in the coziest corner of our kitchen nook that never gets used (which currently housing a couple tiny spiders). The other time I got up, looked at the alarm and went back to sleep.  I so badly wanted to start that habit.  That feel good,  soul filling habit.  But it was hard. It is hard. Much like all the other good habits.


But you know what is super easy? The bad habits.  The drinking a whole bottle of wine, spending too much time on Instagram habits. The self-loathing, soul draining habits.  I have some pretty bad habits but you know what the worst one is? Complaining.  I complain…like a lot. I complain about the house being a wreck.  I complain about the laundry that is never ending.  I complain about the fact that Krew has yet another double ear infection.  I complain about money.  I complain. I complain. I complain.  Give me something and I’ll complain about it.


I created this monstrous habit that began to follow me around and left me dry. Instead of praying about everything, I complained about it. With every complaint, the monster grew. I started loosing sight in the beauty that is all around me.  I stopped trying to see my Jesus.  I stopped fighting to hear His voice in the mist of chaos. I fell creature of habit.


Then I heard Him.  I heard my Jesus in the sound of my son’s laughter.  I saw His grace in my daughter’s eyes.  I felt His love in my husband’s arms. I started to see the magical mundane all around me once again.  Just in that split second.


They say it takes 21 days to create a habit. And I want to start a good one.  Look, I see you.  You’re tired as a mother.  Hey, I’m forever tired as a mother but I’m ready to always see the magic in the mundane.  Even on the really shitty days. Are you?


I have created a mama journal.  A 21-day mama journal where we can take 10 minutes at the end of the day and write about the magical mundane. 10 minutes to reflect on every tiny blessing and bit of grace we had from the Lord that day.  Just twenty-one days of, “Father you’re amazing”s but also “Today was hard as hell but Jesus, thank you”s.  Twenty-one days to break the chains of complaining through every journal entry.  I would love for you to do this with me. I would love to cheer you on. I would love to hear from you. I would love to pray for your journey through this journal and through motherhood.


Mama, I’m here for you.  Mama, I love you.  Mama, you’re a superhero.  Mama, our Father is really proud of the daughter you are.

Now let’s kill this thing and create one kick a** habit.


(also- I seriously would love to pray for you or to hear about your magical mundane)


Download journal here

mama journal



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